Tea break with Josefina Bonsundy Nvumba
TEA BREAK WITH JOSEFINA BONSUNDY NVUMBA What kicks off your Monday morning? For me, Monday is not an isolated day in the week to come. Instead, I envision the opportunities on a weekly basis rather than on a daily one. Before starting a new week, I reflect on what it...
Tea break with Aleida van der Wal
TEA BREAK WITH ALEIDA VAN DER WAL What kicks off your Monday morning? I always start my week a bit earlier than Monday, on Sunday evening already! Indeed, I like to take time to think about the week ahead and set my priorities. It helps me to have a fresh and focused...
Tea break with Dorien Beurskens
TEA BREAK WITH DORIEN BEURSKENS What kicks off your Monday morning? Recognizing the tremendous need of young people for skills and empowerment as well as their desire to have a purpose and to contribute to a better world, while knowing that our solution contributes to...