We accelerate organizations through impact




Do you want to know and grow the impact of your organization?

Over the past few years, impact has become one of the buzzwords in the charity sector. However, despite the overall desire to be impactful, most organizations are not (yet) driven by achieving impact.  

At HVFC, we know that becoming more impact-driven doesn’t happen overnight. Though desired, such a change seems to many like another mountain to climb — in addition to the fundraising mountain. This is why we developed 5 steps to help you walk through your impact journey with ease and success. Depending on the current situation of your organization, we can either get you started on your journey, accelerate your efforts or navigate you through the more tricky sections of the path.

You will find out that the impact journey is a bumpy ride, but certainly one with a rewarding destination. At the end of this journey, you will have become an organization that is fully geared towards maximizing its contribution to a better world!

we guide you through every step of your impact journey



We help you capture your ultimate goal and get support from your entire organization and your stakeholders by developing an inclusive impact statement.


We guide you in the introduction of measurable impact indicators, and the development of a solid plan to start measuring them.



We assist you with identifying and selecting the interventions to apply to maximize your contribution to reaching your desired change.


We support you with developing strategies and approaches to involve your whole organization in the impact journey.



We help you showcase your impact with potential donors by building an impact-driven proposition, understand and build relationships with donors on impact, and communicate impact clearly.

OUR SPECIFIC solutions


The impact journey starts with defining your desired impact – clearly capturing the ultimate goal in an impact statement. The impact statement is different from a mission statement – it is goal-oriented, involves the entire organization, and should be concise and measurable.


Once you have your impact statement, you have to find out whether your activities actually contribute to it. Therefore, you need to start measuring your impact by developing impact indicators at an organizational level.


Once your impact measurement provides you with impact results, you can start showing impact to the outside world and tell donors and other stakeholders about the genuine change that you have been able to achieve.


Most organizations indicate that the best way to increase impact is to raise more funds. Indeed increased funding can boost your impact, but impact can also be increased when funding levels remain stable. This can be done by focusing on interventions that achieve the most impact per euro spent (so-called cost-effective interventions).


It is no surprise that we call this an impact journey. It is a tour full of challenges and setbacks to convince everyone in the organization to buy into becoming impact-driven. It is a complicated, time-consuming and expensive process but this journey will boost the performance of the organization and attract new donors on the side.

Not sure which step of the impact journey you are in?

free resources

Your journey to making a difference starts here! With insightful articles and tips we give you the extra push that will help you make the world a better place.

related solutions to help you further



Do you want to improve your insight into the results and performance of your projects and programs?

see our solutions here



Are you looking for an independent evaluation of your project or program?

see our solutions here



Do you need your website, proposals, and reports to look professional and attractive?

see our solutions here

stay up to date

We have at heart to be a resource to you. According to your preference, we will share insights, trainings, networking events and career opportunities that might be of interest for anyone from entry-level to seasoned professionals.



+31 (0)6 30 69 45 95


Eursinge 8, 7935AB Eursinge (de Wolden), The Netherlands

228 East 45th Street, Suite 9E New York, NY 10017, USA



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